
Georg Kühlewind Conference - May 17-19 2024.

„The intuition that something new is necessary for the future of humanity and that it must come about is already the beginning of realization. The most important task is the transmission of intuition… One must work to realize it… The new age would be when we pass from taking to giving.“

Georg Kühlewind: Becoming aware of the Logos

„You should not expect from your thinking that it can give you cognitions of the truth, but you should initially only expect from your thinking that it educates you.“

Rudolf Steiner: The world of the senses and the world of the spirit

The conference website

Norwegian translation of Aufmerksamkeit und Hingabe

The Norwegian translation of Aufmerksamkeit und Hingabe(Oppmerksomhet og hengivelse) has just been published at the publishing company Dynamis: