The Foundation’s assets and its asset-management policy
1. The foundation’s assets
The foundation’s initial capital is 300.000.- (in words: threehundredthousand) forints cash.
The foundation’s initial capital may be increased:
by the contribution of new members (cash, physical assets),;
as a result of the foundation’s economic activity;
from due bank-interests;
other sources (support for projects, sources from different tenders)
2. The foundation’s asset-management policy
In order to achieve its objectives the Foundation may use its assets and its assets’ proceeds. The Foundation acts independently in order to achieve the above described objectives and may use its assets for accomplishing these objectives.
In order to achieve its objectives of public benefit the Foundation is entitled to carry out independent enterprise only by not compromising these objectives.
The Foundation will not share the profits of its activities but use them to achieve the objectives described in the foundation deed.
The regulations of the present legal document and the Advisory Board are to decide on the use of the Foundation’s assets with regard to the conditions set by the joining donators – after these conditions had been accepted by the Advisory Board.