Becoming Aware of the Logos

becoming-aware_mini“A single human being has no reality; the existence of ‘man’ begins with the word that floats between I and you. The Logos connects human beings through the Word; all else is temptation or a temporary connection.” — Georg Kühlewind

“To become aware of the Logos is to become aware of the Logos in oneself.... The world speaks. Before all else, it utters speaking itself. Or does speaking utter the world.” So begin the first two chapters of this inspired, existential meditation on the contemporary meaning of the message of St. John: “In the beginning was the Word.”

From Normal to Healthy

from-normal-to-healthy_mini"I believe that our central problem is that we do not know what or who a human being really is. We lack this knowledge because we have no valid picture of the human WORD, no image of human language, of words in general. This is why we have such trouble with words, why we hit upon the right word so rarely. Everything we do to, for, and against each other is speech of some kind, or ought to be. Yet we are interested in anything but words, these very words by means of which we do everything else. Because we don't know what words are we don't know what humans are." — Georg Kühlewind

Meditation and the Soft Will

meditation-and-the-soft-will_miniFor more than fifty years, Kühlewind has worked reverently and assiduously to develop a universal cognitive path of spirit. His writings on meditation are among the clearest—based firmly in contemporary consciousness, well-developed episte-mologically and psychologically, and non-dualistic, while displaying a profound understanding of language.

He begins with meditation and a sequence of exercises, then describes the "soft will" used in meditation: the will at work in activities such as playing the piano or speaking. We are also led on a meditative journey though selections from Zen Buddhism, Thomas Aquinas, and Rudolf Steiner.

Stages of Consciousness


Meditations on the Boundaries of the Soul

“To overcome the world means to behold the world as it was before it became dead in us; to behold it in its aliveness, as heaven. To overcome the world means to behold the earth in the heavens and to bring the heavens to earth” —Georg Kühlewind

Ordinarily we live under the tyranny of the past. All that we call thinking is the habitual association of finished, dead thoughts. But these thoughts were alive once and every new moment of understanding is a breath from the level of the living present.

Star Children

csillaggyerekek-angol-1_mini Understanding children who set us special tasks and challenges 

„While working on this book the following happened to me: As I checked in at the airport in Hamburg a young couple was in front of me, and the mother had a three-to-four-month old baby in her arms. All of a sudden the baby turned round, locked me straight in the eye, and I was deeply shaken; for that was not the look of a baby but of a very self-aware adult, a wise one, and he appeared to see right through me...”

The Gentle Will


Meditative Guidelines for Creative Consciousness

Every spiritual practice, every exercise of consciousness, all meditation—indeed, every moment of true awareness—we do with the “gentle will,” even if we are unaware of it initially and cannot fully activate it yet. In the course of practice, however, the gentle will begins to shine, and we gradually gain the ability to access it in our ordinary, daily activities, allowing our lives to become infinitely richer, meaningful, and creative.

The Life of the Soul


Between Subconsciousness and Supraconsciousness

In this study, Georg Kühlewind establishes a truly spiritual psychology. This psychology distinguishes between the sub-conscious regions explored by previous psychological schools and the supra-consciousness, identified as the light-filled, living source of our normal waking awareness and thought. As such, it is radically "present," in contrast to our normal thoughts and emotions, which belong to a "past-consciousness," composed of pre-formed elements.

The Logos-Structure of the World


Language as Model of Reality

"A most important work, sounding the depth of the I AM to reveal the love that unifies self and cosmos." - David Appelbaum is Professor of Philosophy at SUNY New Paltz and editor of Parabola magazine and of the SUNY Press "Studies in Esotericism" series. He is also a poet and the author of numerous books, including The Stop, Everyday Spirits, and Disruption.

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? - Healing in the Gospels

wilt-thou-be-made-whole_miniWhat is the power that Jesus calls to awaken in us? What does it mean to be healthy and whole? How can we open ourselves so that the healing power can heal what is sick? How can we awaken this power in ourselves?

“Wilt thou be made whole?” is the question Jesus addressed to the paralyzed man who had waited in vain for years at the Pool of Bethesda. Not really answering, he replies that he has no one to carry him down when the angel stirs the waters. “Take up your bed and walk,” Jesus tells him, and the man was made whole and walked.

Working with Anthroposophy - The Practice of Thinking

working-with-anthroposophy_miniListen to an excerpt from Working with Anthroposophy

“Anthroposophy was given to thinking as an idea and, through thinking, to the heart as a luminous warmth. But for about 150 years, a battle has raged around thinking: Will it fall prey to the mechanism of the brain? Will ‘the brain thinks’ become a reality? Or will thinking strengthen itself in its autonomy, and thereby become able to think actively, freely, and even oppose the existing mechanisms of the brain, dissolving and transforming them? When the cerebral apparatus dominates thinking, it makes no difference what we think, or think we think....